M&M Course Creator

Quick Course Creating Tutorial

This tutorial will enable you to create your own online training courses within days – not weeks or even months. Most people’s courses are just too complicated and causes more overwhelm for their students.

Most people want a quick solution that will just give them enough to get the results that they want. They don’t want to learn stuff, they just want to be shown what to do and how it is done quickly.

This tutorial will take you step by step and give you a system that you can use to create any course you want. Please follow it in the sequence that it is given for the best results.

It is based on more than twenty years of experience in creating course material and tutorials. If you follow

Before You Start

  1. You need a clear vision of what your course is about.
  2. Create an outline for your course.
  3. List all the necessary steps and put them in the right sequence.
  4. Write an introduction for your course.
  5. Create each lesson in detail.
  6. Write your conclusion.
  7. What is next?

Now let’s jump right in with the first lesson.

Quick Course Creator Menu

Step 1 – Clear Vision of Your Course

Step 2 – Create Your Course Outline

Step 3 – Organize Your Course Lessons

Step 4 – Your Course Conclusion

Step 5 – What is Next?