If you are living in South Africa, then you have a better option to register your domain than with NameCheap.
Here you can use Domains.co.za to register your domain and pay in Rands. Due to the exchange rate, it will be much cheaper for you. For instance, you will get the co.za domain free when you register a .com domain and host it here.
Several people from all over the world has told me that my website is extremely fast. That is because our population is much smaller than in countries in Europe and North America.
Just click the Domains link here and see if your domain is available. It is best to register a .com domain and then host it with their DA Starter Pack which allows you to host up to five domains for the price of one.
You can also register the co.za domain and get it free for a full twelve months. I have registered both mattmare.com and mattmare.co.za and my hosting is just R109 per month.
As you can see, there is no additional charge for my mattmare.co.za domain name. I create websites for hunting safaris and guesthouses in South Africa and make use of Domains.co.za all the time.
Their support is also available in my home language Afrikaans, and they answer you within an hour when you need help. Don’t buy their website builder because I’ll show you how to do it at no cost.
Just contact me here.
They also have a global website and people make use of their services from around the world at Domains.com
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