To make money online you need leverage to do it quickly. You have just been handed the best tool to do it in style. There are many things that keep normal people from making money online and not enough time is one of them.
AI can save you lots of time to do things like drafting reports, creating an email series, creating videos, and getting transcriptions of videos. It can even help you to create the perfect website. There are too many things to list them all here.
There are three basic things you must have to run a successful business online.
- First you need a topic or niche with proven demand for your core offer.
- Second you need a list of prospects to whom you can bring offers.
- Thirdly you need traffic or people to visit your website.
Starting Your Online Journey
The very first thing you must have to get attention is a great lead magnet or freebie that you can offer people. This must be something of high perceived value that can help people to alleviate their pain or solve a problem for them.
One does only have 24 hours in a day and with our fast-paced lifestyle your available time is limited. This is the main reason that I am creating this guide for you. It is to help you save time and make it easier for you to do the things that need being done for a successful online career.
You can use ChatGPT to help you create the ideal lead magnet to attract the right people to subscribe to your prospect list. With the new upgrade where you can give it access to the web, you don’t even have to upgrade any more
Just download this browser extension and you can have web access and use 1-click prompts. I have also created this bonus guide that will show you exactly how to create the Ultimate Lead Magnet with the help of AI.
The second thing that you need to build your list is a reliable autoresponder service and a landing page. There are many options available but this free system that I suggest you get, will allow you to start building your list at no cost.
It is an excellent service with all the marketing tools that you need and it’s extremely easy to use. It comes with short, to the point instruction videos that will have you up and running in no time.
This system is called and even comes with a built-in sales funnel.
With this system you can quickly set up your landing page and link the subscription form to the autoresponder. You then create your email series and when your new prospects subscribe to your list, they will receive these emails.
You can use ChatGPT to help you to write Subject Lines for your emails that will get your list members to open your emails. You can also use it to compile the emails for you to ensure that it will build rapport with your subscribers and get them to click your affiliate links.
Remember to give them the download link for the promised lead magnet in the first email. You now have their permission to contact them, and you can build a relation with them with your emails.
Finally, you are now able to promote to your growing list and make sales.
Getting Traffic to Your Web Page
This is where most of us struggle but this is also where AI can come to the rescue. The AiVideoSuite allows you to create eye-catching shorts for YouTube that you can also post as reels in Facebook.
This Video Tutorial will show you how easy it is to create shorts that will have the desired effect. The ideal prospects will see it and follow the instructions you give them. You can even place your website URL in the video which Facebook will not penalise you for.
Another wonderful way to give your visitors your link is to put it the Short Description as well as the Reel Description. Instead of telling them to click the link, a new and unique way is to ask a question:
“Who wants it?”
This will catch the eye of your ideal prospect and they will not be able to not respond.
There are two more ways in which you can get free traffic from Facebook.
- Create a fan page where you can also post your reels.
- Create a group where you can give even more information to your audience.
A group is a place where you can encourage interaction and participation. This will induce Facebook to suggest your group to other people who might be interested to join your group when they see that your group is popular.
All you need is about one hundred members that comment and ask questions.
There are several ways in which you can induce more action quickly. Run a survey to find out what your members’ biggest problem is or have a challenge.
Your Next Step
While you are building your list, you can also start to create your own products like online courses. It is a fantastic way to earn recurring income monthly. Group coaching is also a way where you can earn easy money handsfree.
Record your fist sessions and create a video series that you can then offer either as a complete product or to drip feed it as a coaching course. To make it even more convenient for your subscribers, use AI to transcribe these videos and allow your members to download it as audio files.
They can then listen to it while walking the dog or while driving. The opportunities to make money online are never ending.
I have created a simple and easy to use, step-by-step course with which you can create such online courses within just days with the help of AI.
Just follow the link below to see what it can do for you:
There is a small monthly fee, but you can cancel at any time if you find that it is not for you. No hard feelings.
Making Money Online has just become more exciting and easier with the advent of AI. This can give you the leverage that you need to get your online business going in a truly brief time.
Just imagine what it can mean to have an extra monthly income of thousands of dollars. You can take your family on that long-awaited luxury vacation, or you can start a study guide for your children.
Let alone that shining new EV that you had your eye on for a while now or that new house with comfortable rooms for each member of your family.
This is all possible if you follow the proven system and can get guidance from somebody who is doing it for more than 20 years already.
I met Michael Cheney a little more than two months ago. He offered to take me on as his apprentice and gave me everything that you need to see instant success online. Within just seven days I received my first commission and today I am making daily sales.
If you are also interested to become his apprentice, then you can use the link below to see if there are any slots available:
Millionaire’s Apprentice Program
You’ll have to apply to see if you are a good fit but if I could do it at 69 years of age, then I am certain that you can qualify as well. It helped me to make my first online sales after trying for more than a year!